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Sammendrag fra ERS 7.-11. september 2024

Utviklingen av astma-KOLS går fremover og kolleger fra medisinsk avdeling ved Chiesi dekker den årlige europeiske lungekongressen ERS, denne gangen i Wien. I år har kunstig intelligens kommet med på kongressen med årets kongresstema Mennesker og maskiner: å få riktig balanse. Det er ingen tvil om at KI kan analysere enorme mengder data uten så mye som en kaffepause, men bruk av KI til kliniske beslutninger reiser også spørsmål om etikk og ansvar. Hvem, eller hva, tør du å stole på?

Hvordan høres det ut i en kongresshall når 20 000 lungeinteresserte samles?

Lydopptak fra ERS Wien i september 2024


Lungehelse hele livet

Inflammasjon, astma og røyking

Oppnår vi likeverd med hensyn til helse i 2050?

Insights on COPD and CVD

Primary care research: Eosinophils, treatable traits and social support

Om inhalasjonsteknikk

Smoking in patients with obstructive airway diseases: a challenge beyond COPD
Publisert: 12 sep 2024

Smoking in patients with obstructive airway diseases: a challenge beyond COPD

Summary of ERS Symposia (September 8, 2024) covering the challenges of adolescent smoking, its harmful effects on asthma and COPD patients, and the reduced effectiveness of treatments in smokers. It highlighted that continued smoking accelerates disease progression, while quitting improves symptoms and treatment outcomes. The key message was the critical need for smoking cessation to promote better long-term health. ... Läs mer

Towards health equity in 2050
Publisert: 11 sep 2024

Towards health equity in 2050

Health equity is a term referring to fair and just opportunity to maintain optimal health. It entails good conditions for leading healthy lives as well as access to care when in need. ... Läs mer

Digitalisation in health care 
Publisert: 20 mar 2024

Digitalisation in health care 

Where are we with telehealth in COPD? Potential of telehealth From the talk by Rebecca Disler, Australia, it became clear that telehealth has the potential to add new aspects to ... Läs mer

Biologics in COPD – are we there?
Publisert: 20 mar 2024

Biologics in COPD – are we there?

Current status of biologics in COPD In Professor Alberto Papi’s comprehensive lecture on the evolving landscape of biological treatment in COPD, he emphasized the proven efficacy of triple therapy in ... Läs mer

Understanding risk factors of COPD
Publisert: 20 mar 2024

Understanding risk factors of COPD

The understanding of risk factors associated with COPD has advanced over the last 2-3 decades. Can COPD be considered anymore merely as a smoking disease? Or are there other fires ... Läs mer

Digital biomarkers in asthma management
Publisert: 18 mar 2024

Digital biomarkers in asthma management

Adherence and health behaviours, can wearables help?  Continuous monitoring like never before The growing connectivity in the world provides a substantial potential of digital innovations for management of various diseases ... Läs mer

Longitudinal cohorts in airway disease
Publisert: 12 feb 2024

Longitudinal cohorts in airway disease

Due to the nature of longitudinal studies, the data and learnings obtained are as plenty as they are important and relevant. This became very clear when attending the session covering ... Läs mer

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ERS 2023

ID 7457-11.04.2024